Having trees on your property offers many benefits. Not only are they pretty to look at, but they also provide shade, improve air quality and add economic value to your home. When it comes to your septic system, however, your trees can be a major threat – especially if they are planted too close to your septic tank.
Why Trees and Septic Tanks Don’t Get Along
Trees that are planted near your septic tank can bring several issues. The most problematic is growing tree roots. Many homeowners fail to account for how far a tree can extend underground as it grows. In fact, some tree roots can grow several feet in length. If your tree is near your septic tank, this can cause the roots to collide with your septic system components.
Tree roots can cause your pipes or tank to shift and/or crack under this natural (but excessive pressure) Fixing a pipe or drain line that has been invaded by a tree root can be quite costly, and even cause your entire septic system to back up in your home.
Ways to Have Beautiful Trees and a Healthy Septic System
Don’t worry; just because you are on septic, doesn’t mean you have to endure a barren yard with no trees. Here are some tips to be more strategic with your trees so that they do not compromise your septic tank:
- Know exactly where your septic tank and drain lines are on your property.
- Choose smaller trees with shorter/smaller tree roots
- Schedule a septic inspection to detect potential or minor root invasion.
Do you want to plant new trees without inviting the risk of septic damage? Call Metro Septic in Cartersville today. We are your trusted source for quality septic tank cleaning and inspections at an affordable rate.