When it comes to a septic system, the most dreaded problem is a backup. A septic backup can mean that your wastes are flowing in the opposite direction they were intended to. Not only is wastewater returning to your home an inconvenient problem, but it also poses health risks and dangers. There are several reasons why a septic tank backs up, but here are the most popular causes:
- #1 Your Tank is Too Full
- Your septic system undergoes a specific process of anaerobic digestion to reduce the volume of solid wastes in your tank. However, this does create a layer of scum or sludge at the bottom of the tank that needs to be pumped out on a routine basis. Not pumping your septic tank and eliminating this solid sludge could cause your tank to overflow and back up.
- #2 Compacted Drainfield
- A septic system handles liquid waste in a different way than solids. Wastewater is pushed out of the septic tank to flow into your drainfield, which include buried pipes on your property that dispel the liquid into the soil. However, if the soil is compacted, the liquid waste cannot disperse from the drain pipes easily, which leads to septic backup. Soil compaction often occurs when heavy machinery, vehicles or large animals are frequently on the drainfield.
- #3 Exposure to Chemical Cleaners
- When your septic tank’s anaerobic bacteria is compromised, it cannot do its job of breaking down solid waste. One of the leading ways that this “good” bacteria gets eliminated in your tank through contact with household cleaners. These chemical solutions should not be flushed or drained from your plumbing fixtures if you want to avoid a potential backup.
If you have a septic system, the best way to dodge a disruptive septic backup in your home is with routine maintenance. Metro Septic offers septic pumping and cleaning as well as septic inspections and repair. Trust us – the cost and time of professionally maintaining your septic tank is very small compared to what you’ll invest in repairs if your septic system suffers a backup. Call today to learn more about avoiding septic tank backups near Atlanta!